SRC Announces 2021 Charity Partner – Motorsport UK Scottish Rally Championship

24th June 2021

SRC Announces 2021 Charity Partner

The KNC Groundworks Scottish Rally Championship is delighted to announce the continuation of its’ partnership with Scottish mental health charity SAMH. A partnership that seems especially fitting given how much the 15 month long lockdown has affected many peoples’ mental health.

Susan Williams, Interim Community Fundraising Manager at SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) said:

“We are delighted that the Scottish Rally Championship has chosen to support Scotland’s mental health and SAMH.

“We all have mental health and it’s only with the support of organisations like the Scottish Rally Championship that we can raise awareness, promote good mental health and support people across Scotland experiencing mental health problems.

“A huge thank you to everyone for their support and all the best of luck for the season ahead!”