Welcome To A New Championship Partner – Motorsport UK Scottish Rally Championship

28th June 2024

Welcome To A New Championship Partner

After 2 years of fantastic support from Autoshop for the two-wheel-drive division the Asset Alliance Group Scottish Rally Championship is proud to announce a new partnership for 2024 with Rally Preparation experts G & M.

Well known throughout Scottish rallying for many years, most recently for looking after the Mk2 Escort of 2 wheel drive front runners Paddy Munro & Gordon Murray amongst others, the Perth based company will provide end of year awards to the top driver & navigator in the highly-competitive category.

John Miller from G & M said:

“We have been supporting customers competing in the SRC for over 20 years, most recently focusing on the 2-wheel drive championship. When the opportunity to sponsor the 2-wheel drive championship recently presented itself, we felt the timing was right to get involved in supporting such a competitive series as a whole.

We are looking forward to working with the SRC and the 2-wheel drive competitors in what is sure to be an exciting season at some of the best events the UK has to offer.”