Round 6 Classes Round-up – Motorsport UK Scottish Rally Championship

17th August 2023

Round 6 Classes Round-up

Class C2

Owen Macleod & Ryan Urquhart were sampling their 205s upgraded engine on gravel for the 1st time. The morning was fairly smooth despite flirting with the edges of the road. The exhaust would part company with the engine on the middle loop, but the big drama was fuel pump issues on the last 2 stages. The car cutting out on the start line of SS6 and requiring Owen to constantly feather the throttle. 61st overall was their reward.

Class C3

Craig Smith & Charles Mackenzie’s Astra was on its 2nd engine of the week by the time they started the rally. Things didn’t get much easier, a half-spin into a ditch almost saw them stuck but the car managed to climb out. The bigger worry was the engine overheating for most of the day. They nursed it through using copious amounts of Radweld to earn a well-deserved finish in 54th overall.

Class C5

Jordan Anderson & Harry Stubbs day started with a half-spin and running over Orrin McDonnell’s side skirt that the Evo driver had deposited after a small off. A change of tyre at service transforming the Impreza and improving Jordan’s confidence. Keeping things fast but safe in the difficult conditions was the order for the rest of the day. They managed it with 33rd overall and the Groundwater Lift Trucks Subaru Cup win.

Class H1

Stuart Egglestone & Brian Hodgson had made the late decision to come up for the Grampian after they heard that Steve Bannister & Matthew Robinson were doing the same. The slippery conditions really suited the Pinto powered MK2 and they were battling for the top 2wd spot all day. A concerted effort over the final 2 stages to keep ahead of the chasing pack saw them hold on to take the Autoshop 2wd and Albyn Garage Challengers win along with 15th overall.

Class H2

Really enjoying the technical nature of these stages Donald Peacock & Mairi Riddick powered their Escort to the H2 win and 37th overall. It wasn’t all plain sailing, a couple of visits to the scenery were easily survived but they did lose the window wipers in the heavy rain on one of the road sections, not an experience Donald will be keen to repeat.

Class M2

Robert Proudlock & Steven Brown were another crew to be involved in the battle at the top of the 2wds. A strong and clean run in the Adam saw them take 21st overall and the Moates Offshore Junior win. Finishing just 17 seconds away from 2wd championship leaders Peter Stewart & Harry Marchbank was another strong performance.

Class M3

Still battling with the Fiesta’s handling after the issues on the Scottish, Meghan & John O’Kane’s morning had been a bit of a twitchy ride. The 2nd loop saw the car cut out in stage 3 and once they got it restarted they noticed a small misfire had developed. The final loop wasn’t much easier, a visit to a ditch dropping them 20 seconds. Despite all the issues they managed the M3 win and finished just 15 seconds away from the Ladies category win.

Class M4

Another Escort crew really enjoying their day Paddy Munro & David O’Brien’s Grampian was a much smoother experience than they had on the Scottish. 4th in the 2wds at the finish and the M4 win made it a successful day out. The blue MK2 sounding absolutely glorious out in the forests.

Class M5

Brian Ross had Nikki Addison in the hotseat for the 1st time in the big engined Mk2. 43rd overall and the M5 win was a solid result, especially considering they had to deal with a cracked exhaust manifold for most of the day.

Class M6

The M6 battle was a rematch from the Scottish between the Imprezas of Ian Baumgart & Duncan Campbell. With Dave Robson back on the notes Ian was going about things in his usual neat style with Campbell & Michael Cruickshank doing their best to stay with them despite some rear diff issues. At the end of the event it was Ian & Dave who came out on top by just 2 seconds at the finish. The blue & white Impreza finishing a solid 20th overall.

Class Pro2

Peter Stewart & Harry Marchbank had felt good on the opening loop of the day, despite feeling they had made a wrong tyre choice. That was until they saw the top 2wd times. Out on a better tyre they began to push in a bid to catch their long time 2wd rivals Egglestone & Hodgson. Swapping times with the Mk2 for the rest of the event they ended the day 2nd in the 2wds and 17th overall, just 13 seconds down on the 2wd win.

images courtesy of AF Motorsport Media