Round 3 Classes Round-up – Motorsport UK Scottish Rally Championship

1st June 2023

Round 3 Classes Round-up

Class C1

With regular driver Terry Smith concentrating on the gravel rounds, Kenny Foggo had found a seat in Dan Chambers Ford Ka. They had been looking forward to a battle with the fellow Ka crew Ian Forgan & Callum Young but that was cut short when the Mercury Motorsport car retired. Dan & Kenny really enjoyed their run 69th overall, and Kenny will be back alongside Terry for the Scottish, missing Argyll to celebrate his wife’s birthday.

Class C2

Scott Gourlay was making his 1st start of the season with Greg Alcorn making his 1st ever rally start. They lost all the brakes on the road section between 2 & 3, the drivers footwell filling up with brake fluid. They bodged a fix and managed to make it into service. In the afternoon a wheel bearing problem gave them some cause for concern but it held out and they took 73rd at the finish. Next up Scott will be making his gravel debut on the Scottish, going head-to-head with dad Bryan for the 1st time.

Class C5

After a disastrous start to his season Jordan Anderson finally turned his luck around. With Harry Stubbs alongside for the 1st time the red Impreza visited a field in the morning with an overshoot, thankfully without damage. The afternoon was solid as Jordan learned about the car’s ability on tarmac, taking the C5 win and 42nd overall.

Class M2

Archie Swinscoe and Jane Nicol were making their 1st SRC start of the season and absolutely flying in their Vauxhall Adam R2. After an excellent run on the National they continued the momentum on the Reivers, the only issue being a dodgy handbrake making some of the tight junctions tricky. 15th overall was an excellent result. Archie giving special thanks to Robert Proudlock’s team for helping them sort a broken steering rack overnight.

Class M4

Class winners John Crawford and Josh Davison were 2nd two-wheel-drive car home, 11 seconds behind the Adam in their Ford Escort Mk2. John rueing a slow start by his standards but happy to take maximum M4 driver’s points.

That left Sean Donnelly to take the co-driver’s maximum points alongside Brian Watson, the Orange Escort surviving an argument with a bale on the 2nd loop.

Class M6

Barry Young took the maximum co-driver’s points in M6. Sitting alongside Steven Chalmers in his Impreza they had been frustrated by their seeding in the morning, catching cars on every stage. The afternoon was better only getting held up on one test.

They finished just 6 seconds ahead of Fraser Smith & Nikki Addison. The Evo crew suffering bad brake fade towards the end of every stage but enjoying how stable the car was over the big jumps.

Class M7

6th overall and top non-R5/Rally 2 car it was another successful Reivers Rally for Mark McCulloch & Michael Hendry. Mark & Michael getting the absolute maximum out of the Evo powered Proton and enjoying a day long battle with the Rally 2 Fabia of Stephen Petch and Michael Wilkinson.

Class H1

David McLeod & Eamonn Boyle were keen to try out the Sunbeam’s new engine on tarmac for the 1st time. Things went pretty well although they found they were running out of tyres in the heat. That led to a few hairy moments as the Sunbeam did what Sunbeams do and went very sideways at any opportunity. 51st overall was their reward.

Class H2

Normally seen at a Scottish Championship round wielding a spanner Sandy Fairbairn was making his 1st SRC start of the season in his BMW. Really enjoying his home event he commented it was a surreal experience to be flat out on roads he normally uses to go to the shops. With Iain Robson alongside him he took 32nd overall and top H2 driver’s points.

That left Mike Curry to take top co-driver’s points in Jim Robertson’s MK2. It was another tough day at the office for the Escort crew, finishing 71st overall but off their normal pace.

Class Pro2

After battering several hay bales on the National rally, Peter Stewart & Harry Marchbank’s 208 was looking a bit 2nd hand before the start. Not a fan of tarmac, Peter was taking things fairly steadily to guarantee a finish, taking 5th 2 wheel drive and 20th overall.

images courtesy of AF Motorsport Media

Final results are available from the event website at