Super Seniors on Tour – Motorsport UK Scottish Rally Championship

26th February 2022

Super Seniors on Tour

The Scottish Rally championship has a long history of supporting junior competitors throughout the years, a tradition that is continuing this year with the support of Moates Offshore.

But what about the competitors at the other end of their rallying career? The quote unquote “old guys and gals”? Those evergreen characters who seem to have been rallying forever, out purely for the enjoyment? Well for 2022 the championship is introducing the SRC Super Seniors, supported by Haddo Energy.

The SRC Super Seniors is open to competitors who were 65 or over on the 1st of January 2022, compete in a naturally aspirated vehicle in classes C1, C2, C3, C4, H1, H2, M1, M2, M3, M4 or M5. Turbocharged and 4wd cars are not eligible.

So what will they be competing for? At the end of the season the winning driver will receive a paid for weeks holiday for themselves, their co-driver and their partners.

Super Seniors architect and Haddo Energy director Ernie Lee says: “All we’re trying to do is encourage more people of a certain age to return to our sport and make the Scottish Rally Championship more inclusive to older competitors by giving them something to compete for. There’s no room for ageism in Scottish rallying!”